Personal informations
Name | Florian Dobberphul |
Birthday | 05.09.1985 |
Adresse | Zu den Fichtewiesen 12 |
Plz | 13587 |
Berlin | Berlin |
Land | Deutschland | | |
Telephone | +49 155 667 69934 |
Link |
Short description about myself
I’m Florian Dobberphul, and I’ve been passionate about sales for over 16 years. In recent years, my focus has been on key account management, where I successfully sold a complex SaaS product as well as a comprehensive service offering in the energy sector. During this time, I gained extensive experience in managing and advising major clients.
Throughout my career, I’ve explored many aspects of sales, from B2B and B2C to direct sales, door-to-door selling, and multi-level marketing, all the way to leading teams. This diversity has provided me with valuable insights and helped me continuously expand my expertise.
During the COVID pandemic, I further developed my skills, particularly in online marketing, lead generation, and conducting webinars and video calls using green screen technology.
Today, I see myself as a modern sales professional who adapts flexibly to various challenges and consistently develops tailored solutions, always with the goal of achieving the best possible outcomes for my clients.